BrickGun's LEGO® Brick Dimension Guides Since the core of our designs involve exact 1:1 scale replicas, the BrickGun designers find it helpful to have a work surface in our studio that is covered with accurate, life-sized grids depicting the dimensions of LEGO® bricks and plates from both top (Plan, "Stud") and side (Elevation, "Brick/Plate") views. Multiple sheets are joined and covered with laminate to create a large workspace where the dimensions of any model in progress can be immediately measured in both Studs and Brick/Plates.

Click here to download the BrickGun LEGO® Dimension Guides (.PDF)
Multiple pages can be printed and trimmed along two edges, then taped together to create expanded grid surfaces for larger projects. Pages are included with increased Stud and Brick/Plate counts to accommodate areas covering up to 6 pages.
Also included are “Single Strip” sheets which are meant to be cut and joined into a long, single strip of Bricks/Studs and Plates, similar to a ruler or measuring tape. We affixed these to the edge of our build space to provide a quick reference to check the sizes of parts.
Reference sheets have been created which show the dimensions of basic LEGO® bricks. These have been laid out using LDraw dimensions rather than real-world sizes as that is a simpler system for determining the relative size of parts and how to align them once you abandon "studs on top" design and start to have Bricks/Plates oriented in various directions. They are invaluable in determining what is necessary to line up and connect pieces properly and accurately when models are built in this manner.

Additional information is also provided which shows the dimensional equivalencies between various collections of LEGO® pieces. Aligning pieces correctly once they are no longer oriented in the same stud direction is made significantly easier once you know the common denominators between said orientations. A basic guide for Brick/Plate height vs. width is included, along with an expanded "ruler" showing alignment frequencies of larger scales. We have also created a small guide to common connections of "Erling" bricks which provide useful methods of creating common stud orientations downward and to the sides.

LEGO® Technic® element connection points are also covered. Basic 90° connections showing how many Bricks/Plates separate Technic® pin hole alignments, even for opposed Bricks as well as alignments of various beam rotations against a Brick grid. All of this information is invaluable when working with complicated structures that require strength via Technic® reinforcement.