BrickGun's Design Studio Storage Drawer Label System

Whether you're working with part collections that number in the tens or in the hundreds of thousands, having them organized in an easy-to-locate fashion is paramount. You want to spend time building, not scrounging to find the correct part in the correct color.
We employ a series of clear drawer organizers, similar to those made by Stack-On™, Akro-Mills™ and others. Our “standard” drawers are 2.75” wide, “narrow” drawers (for smaller parts, mostly Technic®) are 2” wide and other larger drawers are various heights and widths (for large parts and bulk storage).
The racks are organized by part type (Plates, Bricks, Slopes, etc.) with similar parts increasing in dimension from left to right. Parts of the same type are separated by color vertically.
The labels provide all necessary information at a glance, showing what type and sub-type the part is, its image, dimensions and what colors of the part are in the particular drawer. The LEGO® part number is also included, which is helpful when ordering more or working in MLCAD or LDCad to document a design. We print our labels on standard Ink-jet or Laser Printers, using Avery full-sheet labels (8165). They are cut along the gray guidelines using a metal straight-edge and X-acto™ knife (with a #11 blade). A paper cutter can also be used if you have one at your disposal.
Sample pages

Label sets are organized by part type (Bricks, Plates, etc.) and widths. Round and modified pieces are generally grouped with the parts of the width in which they belong. New sets will be added over time. If you'd like to be notified when additional or updated sheets are available, please Email Us.
Download .PDFs of the label sets here (For Free!!!):
Standard Drawers (2.25" x 1") (Popular Mechanics)
BrickGun Storage Labels - Arches - v1.0
BrickGun Storage Labels - Bricks 1xN - v2.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Bricks 2xN - v2.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Plates 1xN - v1.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Plates 2xN - v2.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Plates 3xN-4xN - v1.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Slopes - v2.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Tiles - v3.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Technic Bricks - v1.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Technic Beams - v1.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Wedge - Plates - v1.1
Large & Tall Drawers (3.375" x 2") (Stack-On)
BrickGun Storage Labels - Plates 5xN-6xN - v1.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Plates 5xN+ (Single Drawers - All Colors) - v1.1
Narrow Drawers (1.75" x 1") (Popular Mechanics)
BrickGun Storage Labels - Technic Axles - v1.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Technic Gears - v1.0
BrickGun Storage Labels - Technic Pins & Connectors - v1.0
Narrow-Short Drawers (1.75" x 0.9375") (Akro-Mills)
BrickGun Storage Labels - Hinges - v1.0
BrickGun Storage Labels - Slopes - v2.1
BrickGun Storage Labels - Wedge - Bricks - v1.1
Color Bars
Our label sets attempt to break out elements by the most common colors available for each but you may have particular parts in an abundance of a particular color for which we have not created a discreet label. You can customize the label sheets with the particular colors you need if necessary. Using .PDF or image editing software you can use the color sheet below for color picking or copy/pasting over the existing common color bars we have provided. The color sheets contain every official LEGO® color, including translucents, metallics, etc. and even discontinued shades.
BrickGun Storage Labels - Color Bars